This page was last updated
in Wednesday, July 11, 2001 03:04 PM
Light side--
This is, by far, the greatest real-time
strategy game I have ever played. I
suppose I should go into more
detail....You are a god. You're job is to
help your people by doing miracles for
them, assigning different jobs to them,
and by helping them in any way you can.
Here's an example: There are three guys
who want to sail off of the island. Talk
to them, and you discover that they need
wood to build their boat, grain to eat,
and meat for a bit of flavor. Supply them
with that, and you gain belief points
with your village and a special reward
from the sailors.
Dark side--
This real-time strategy RULES!!! You get
to play a god and you can kill people!
First you find your creatures (with the
help of your no-good villagers) and then
you can raise the creature to be a pyro
and burn down the whole village. Here's a
good example of how you can play the
game. There are three guys who want to
sail off of the island. Don't bother
talking to them, as it will just make you
angry. Destroy their boat and you get a
special reward from your conscience.
Graphics: 10/10
This had some of the greatest graphics
I've seen since No One Lives Forever.
It's got shadows, fog (good fog...not
console fog. Yeeeccchh!!), and real-time
damage to buildings, people, and
creatures. Here's another example for you
to feast on: When you're in your village,
try throwing a rock at someone's house.
They'll get really mad at you, but it'll
give you something to look at. The part
of the house that you hit will go flying
off and crumble to nothing. Of course,
then they have to repair it...but that's
your problem. :)
Audio: 9/10
The music in this was also some of the
best I've heard in an RTS. It's sort of a
"Red Planet" type soundtrack: A
combination of classical instruments and
techno beats. It's not dynamic, (as far
as I know...) but it definitely sets the
mood where it's necessary. Also, the
sounds are quite good. Voice acting
creates an atmosphere of good. Or evil,
depending on how you play the game. Wood
clunking together, grain spreading on the
ground, and even throwing trees into the
ocean have sounds that you could only
imagine as being real.
Despite the whole "can't start the
game right away due to tutorials"
bit, this game is truly awesome. The CPU
Requirements are also a bit steep, but I
was able to run it quite successfully on
my Pentium3 550. Also note, any poor,
unfortunate soul who happens to be stuck
with a VooDoo 4 card won't be able to
play the game. As of this writing, there
were no patches for the game. Good
forecasting for Lionhead? Or disaster
waiting to happen? You decide....