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Ghost in the Shell

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This page was last updated in Saturday, April 21, 2001 12:06 PM


This anime is one of the best, in my opinion. In the future, some humans are modified to be cyborgs. Technology was developed to transfer their "ghost", or what I found was their soul, to machines. Recently, a mischevious figure named the Puppetmaster captured people. reprogramed their ghost, and made them the tools of his power. It is up to the Sector 9 police to catch the Puppetmaster and take care of him. Eventually, the Puppetmaster is found out to be a robot.



There are parts that are at times hard to understand, but besides that, this movie is well drawn, has a great plot, and can have you drawn in.


Ghost in the Shell is a copyright of Manga Videos.

Odyssey 2001