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X: The Movie

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This page was last updated in Saturday, April 07, 2001 05:17 PM

During the last millenium, many prophets, the Bible, and psychics have predicted the apocalypse; the end of the world. All of them have one thing in common: the world ends in 1999. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for us, it didn't happen. There were no comets raining down on us, the four horsemen of the Apocalypes did not appear, the Messiah did not come, and the moon did not turn into blood. Those were just the beginning of those predictions. Some go as far as aliens from another planet come to earth and destroy us.

X tells its own story of the end of the world. It is based on a popular manga made by the same people who brought you Card Captors Sakura, CLAMP. The manga is called X/1999 in the U.S. and was the manga feature for years in the Animerica magazine, a popular anime/manga magazine.

The movie starts with the main character, Kamui, sees his own mother sacrifice her life to help her son face his destiny. She takes out a sword out of her own body and instantly kills herself in the process. Kamui returns to Tokyo to save his friends from the Apocalypes. Unfortunately, his own friends become part of the final battle for the future of the planet.

The complex storyline and great music and sound are combined to make this one of the best anime movies ever released. It is dubbed by Manga Video and it is currently available right now.



Images courtesy of Manga.com


One of the best anime movies ever made. Its complex storyline and visuals are good enough to get its deserving score. You may want to read some of the manga first before watching it.


X is a copyright of CLAMP / Manga Videos

Odyssey 2001